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How do you get past this wall here? I can't seem to jump over it or break it.


The way is down U_ U 

I forgot that was a mechanic in some side-scrollers...


(  .  _ . )


I like the intro artwork but it's just Ninja Gaiden with worse controls atm.

That kind of feedback dont help on nothing.   Why you consider controls are so worse? U_U

Jump is lacking, the wall junps are clunky and you get stuck often, there are parts where you're going to get hit too if its your first time as the tutorial for blocking attacks/ projectiles is past the first double hallway of unavoidable projectiles...

1. Why jump is lacking?
2. Where do you get stuck in walls? 

the message only says "block enemy proyectiles", not "attacks" too, has you say U_u
This is the part where you have problems? o. 0?

This is how people should play this kind of games.   You dont get "stuck" in walls, that  that is the gameplay, there is no stairs here.   Just jump again while holding A/D  (depending on the direction).  Look:

The first example use two walls to climb.   The second example is more complex way (just for veterans on Ninja Gaiden).  

Give it a try:  "stuck" in a wall and hold A or D, and then jump.   Just need practice, but when you get it, stuffs like this happen: